Presentation of the
company Business concept
The company's business concept is for long-term survival,
to develop and sell products within the waste handling
area. The company's goal is to offer paper sacks for a
wide variety of waste and for different purposes, from
traditional 2-sheet 160 liter sacks for mixed waste to
different types of sacks for sorted waste. It may be for
example a 1-ply sheet sack for compostable waste, a sack
for combustible waste or perhaps a container such as a bin
or caddy. The options are many. Our ambition is to solve
most cases where some kind of waste carrier is needed.
The environment in focus
The company pursues an active environmental
attitude towards development within the waste handling
business, but also within internal environmental
processes. We live as we learn. The compostable waste is
composted. Other waste is sorted as far as possible.
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The following documents are currently in Swedish only.
Company presentation